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Weird Word Wednesdays: Divertissement, larghetto and vorspiel

For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s take a look at three words related to music: divertissement, larghetto and vorspiel. 


Pronunciation: [dih-vur-tis-muhnt; French dee-ver-tees-mahn]

Part of speech: Noun

Definition: A diversion; a short ballet or other performance serving as an interlude in a play, opera, etc.

Language origin: French


Pronunciation: [lahr-get-oh]

Part of speech: Adjective, adverb

Definition: Somewhat slow; not so slow as largo, but usually slower than andante.

Language origin: Italian


Pronunciation: [fawr-shpeel, fohr-]

Part of speech: Noun

Definition: An introductory movement to a musical work, especially a prelude or overture.

Language origin: German


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Posted in Pamela, Weird Word Wednesdays