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Pamela’s Prompts: What’s the Best Advice Your Dad Ever Gave You?

I took a peek at the calendar today and Father’s Day is just around the corner on Sunday, June 19.

That got me to thinking about my Dad. Thankfully, he’s a voracious reader like me so I’ve already ordered him a Father’s Day gift – a new book by one of his favorite authors. But then, I thought I might include a special, from-the-heart message in his greeting card that lists some of the best advice he ever gave me.

(Even if your father has passed, I’m sure you can think of some of the words of wisdom he shared with you.)

So, in that vein, here is today’s prompt:

Pamela’s Prompts: What’s the Best Advice Your Dad Ever Gave You?

Here’s what I wrote about my Dad’s advice:

  • When you meet someone for the first time, shake their hand firmly and look them straight in the eye.
  • Always do your best and never, ever throw a game.
  • Stand up tall and tell ’em who you are.

Now, it’s your turn. Set a timer for 15 minutes and write. Ready? Set? Go!

Let me know what you come up with by posting a comment below.

Happy writing!

Posted in Pamela, Writing, Writing Prompts, Writing Tips