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Pamela’s Prompts: What Advice Would You Give Your 17-year-old Self?

Recently on Facebook, I asked my family and friends the following question: “If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 17-year-old self?”

Here are the replies (used with permission):

“You are constantly worrying about what others are thinking about you and, honestly, they aren’t even thinking about you at all! Don’t care so much and don’t allow people’s opinions to matter so much to you.”

“Marry someone with the same beliefs as you. . .religious, political, and don’t settle.”

“Take the time to invest in your future academically/educationally and choose a profession you enjoy. If you enjoy what you do, then investing financially will come much easier.”

“You are better than what you give yourself credit for.”

“Listen to your inner voice. Trust your instincts about people and situations. Do your best. Forgive yourself when you make a mistake; it’s not the end of the world.”

“You are far more capable and have so much more to share with the world than you think. There is more to you than you believe.”

“You are so much braver, smarter, and capable than you believe. Don’t listen to those telling you that you aren’t skinny enough, pretty enough, or doing enough. You are, and you’re going to be really proud of your future self for proving them wrong.”

“Always have your own money tucked away.”

“You are enough. (Jesus said so.) Stop comparing. . .it steals your joy. It makes you greater than or less than. I still have to remind my 62-year-old self of this.”

“Do not stray from the precepts of God. Popular trends fade and only God’s truth remains. Never forget God made you for a purpose: be strong, true, kind, loving, honest, and invest in yourself.”

“Believe in yourself; get an education in what you love. Keep some money hidden away for emergencies. Never depend on a man. Take care of your health.”

“Remember everyone is different with what they love and what they don’t care about! What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God!”

“Life is full of wonderful surprises. Don’t stress yourself out trying to stick to a plan.”

“Saying ‘no’ is not unkind; it is self-protection. Do not allow yourself to be exploited.”

“Man’s rejection is God’s protection. Hold all things (dreams, possessions) loosely in your hand. Love the person in front of you, even if it’s for a brief moment. Focus on the donut and not the hole!”

“The world isn’t black and white. Gray is a good color, too. Be tolerant of others and yourself.”

How about you?

Pamela’s Prompts: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 17-year-old self?

Let me know what you come up with and, until next time, happy writing!

Posted in Pamela, Writing Prompts