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Pamela’s Prompts: A Sole Moment in Nature

Have you ever experienced a sole moment in nature so sublime it stole your breath and created a solace in your soul you’ve never forgotten?

I know I have. My moment happened in October on a day very much like today under a brilliant, clear, blue sky in West Texas.

Pamela’s Prompts: A Sole Moment in Nature

Here’s what I wrote:

I was home for my lunch hour when we lived in San Angelo, and I needed to pull the trash can out to the alley behind our home. As I opened the sliding, glass door to step into our backyard, I was greeted with a fluttering, flashing movement that arose from the green grass as a single cloud of gold and black and yellow. Monarch butterflies. Hundreds of them! I gasped. The air seemed to pulsate around me as the butterflies lifted off after a rest stop along their fall migration from Canada to wintering grounds in Mexico. Their wings vibrated softly, and the butterfly cloud seemed to hover just above the grass as though bidding a silent farewell to me. Then, the cloud was gone, vanishing into the blue of the sky. Heading south. Continuing a journey of thousands of miles. I stood for a few moments, thanking God for blessing me with this moment. Why they had chosen our backyard to rest, I’ll never know, but the solace to my soul that sole moment in nature gave me lives in my conscience as soft as the sound of butterfly wings.

Now, it’s your turn. Set a timer for 15 minutes and write. Ready? Set? Go!

Let me know what sole moment in nature you recall.

Happy writing!

Posted in Pamela, Writing, Writing Prompts, Writing Tips